Wednesday, December 22, 2010

Merry Christmas! (Bahrain style)

In my mind Christmas is connected with images of snowy front lawns, stockings over fireplaces, and steaming cups of hot chocolate, so even after four years, Bahrain Christmases don't feel very Christmas-y to me. But in the midst of sandy streets, sunny afternoons, and ice cold Pepsis, we still do our best to embrace the holiday season. Every year our church has the tradition of going Christmas caroling. Church members sign up to have the carol team visit them in their homes and share a few Christmas tunes. Generally the carolers are made up of the youth group and the worship team. We all pile into the vans and spend the night driving around to the houses, making music, and eating goodies. Last night we caroled from 6:30 pm to 1:00 am. A good time was had by all. :)
happy carol singers
decorated palm trees
candlelight carols


visiting the hospital
getting warmed up

sandstorms instead of snowstorms!