Wednesday, October 9, 2013

Bridging the Gulf

Next week will be hosting our first official AGYFC Bahrain event!  It's called Bridging the Gulf.  We have invited youth leaders from Bahrain and other Gulf countries for a 2 1/2 day conference.  We have a special guest speaker coming from Abu Dhabi, and the YFC team from the UAE will lead the break out sessions on communicating with youth, working with parents, third culture kids, and counseling teens.

We were really excited to be hosting the conference in Bahrain because after the success of the Desert Challenge youth camps the previous two years, we realized that we really need to get leaders on board.  By hosting the conference, we hoped to prepare the leaders and churches for the camp next year.
However, when we started planning the conference we ran into a few problems.  We were hoping to fully fund the event so it would be free for those attending.  Unfortunately, our funding didn't come through as we had hoped, so we had to charge participants.  The cost of the conference became an issue for many of the youth leaders as they or their churches didn't necessarily have the funds to participate.  But God is so good.  What he has set in motion, no man can stop!
Praise the Lord we have received generous donations out of the blue!  One group has offered to pay the registration for up to 20 youth leaders from Bahrain.  I didn't even know 20 youth leaders, but we began a prayer campaign for God to bring them forth.  And bring them forth he has!  We are up to 17 local leaders and a total of 36 for the conference!  Amazing!  We were aiming for 25-30, and once again, God has exceeded our expectations!  :)

Please join us in praying for this conference.  May the conference be a fruitful time of learning and growing together!