Tuesday, October 28, 2014

Faith in Action

One of my goals for this year is to give the youth an opportunity to put their faith in action.   How can we serve the community right here in Bahrain?  How can we demonstrate our love for God and our love for people?

Our first project was participating in a program called Feed the Need.  This organization developed recently in Bahrain to help feed hungry people.  Businesses and individuals have donated refrigerators that are set up around the country, usually near grocery stores or small food stores in villages.  Members of the community can donate food items to the fridge and anyone in need can take from it for free.  One of the reasons I love this program is because it's so simple.  Most of the items in the fridge can be purchased for 100 fills (about a quarter)--milk and juice bottles, yogurt, packages of bread, fresh fruit.  Often kids feel like they don't have anything to give, especially not financially, but this program shows that by skipping a Pepsi for one day (150 fils), you can help someone else have a meal.  So the challenge was on!  We divided the youth group into two teams, and they had one week to collect as many coins as they could.  They raised a total of 70 BD ($180+) just by saving coins!  We met on a Saturday and were able to fill four fridges with all that was collected.  What a simple and yet powerful way to show the youth that they can contribute and immediately help those in need.