Monday, February 11, 2008


My students were working on a comparison/contrast assignment last week in which they needed to fill out a Venn diagram comparing themselves to a partner on different categories such as birth month, countries visited, favorite movies, music, TV show, etc. As I walked around the room, I saw two boys huddled over a piece of paper. Heads bent close, they were writing, analyzing the word, scratching it out, and writing something else. I walked over to see if I could help with something. Looking at the paper, I saw the words "dranke cola."
"Teacher, is this right?" he asked.
"Drank cola? You mean like he drank __ cola? He likes to drink cola?" I said, guessing at what he was trying to say. Knowing what the assignment was, I couldn't figure out how this fit into what they were writing about.
"No, dranke cola like this." Then he used his fingers to make fangs and made a hissing sound.
I frantically searched my brain, trying to figure out what he was talking about. Dranke cola. Fangs. Comparison. Favorite movie. Then it hit me.
"OH! You mean DRACULA!"
"Yes! That one!"

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