Tuesday, March 25, 2008

desert BBQ

During spring break, we (all the volunteers) took a trip to the desert for a little BBQ. We drove through the arid land looking for the perfect place to fire up the barbie. With little change in scenery, each new location was the same as the last. We finally settled on a spot close to a little ridge where we could see out over the endless desert. We circled up the cars, spread out our blankets, and started grilling chicken kebabs. Yum! While the food was cooking, I did a little exploring. I found an interesting looking bug, and the bodies of seven dead camels. Although slightly disgusting, I was intrigued. All of them were in various stages of decay; some were nearly whole, while others were only a pile of sun bleached bones. We're not sure why the camels were there or how they died, although we did note that all of them were bound at the feet. Fortunately the wind was blowing in the other direction so the stench did not ruin our feast.

Below are some pictures.
My roommate and I at the famous Tree of Life.
Our picnic location.
A few snaps of the desert.
My interesting desert bug.
The dead camels

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