Tuesday, May 20, 2008

not so sunny rise

The dust has been really terrible around here again lately. Here is a little "snapshot" to help you get an idea of the kind of air pollution that exists in this place. I've recently started walking/running again in the mornings. That means I am up and going by 4:45. Yes, believe it or not! Since summer is just around the corner, the sun is rising earlier and earlier. By the time we get to the beach at 5, the sun is already up. You wouldn't know it though. You can only see a faint horizon, mostly a cloudy purplish gray color. It takes a while to spot the sun, which is about 10* above the water. It's outline is faintly seen through the dust. Ten minutes later the full shape of the sun can be seen. A pale yellow color, it hangs about 30* in the sky now and seems to resemble the moon rise more than the sun rise. The color is so muted, you can look right at the sun; it's not bright at all. So much for the morning "rays." Only after about 30 minutes, when they sun has fully cleared the dust belt along the horizon can you see the sun shining. It's rather sad.

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