Saturday, September 5, 2009

first day of school

Well, school was officially postponed until the 6th of September, tomorrow. All of the teachers were very thankful for the extra days to prepare our classrooms and do some lesson planning. The main issue revolving around the topic of starting school is swine flu. For never hearing about it in the US when I was home for the summer, I sure hear about it all the time here. And cases keep popping up. Since most of the student body leaves the country for the summer holiday, people are worried about students coming back with swine flu and infecting the school. So to prevent such a disaster, my school has decided that they will scan each and every person before allowing them to enter the school premises. That means that tomorrow morning, every person that wants to enter Modern Knowledge School must have his or her temperature checked. There are close to 2,000 students at MKS. And they must all be checked in a single file line. And most of them will come with a parent on the first day. Maybe both parents. And a housemaid. They will all need to be checked in a single file line. Oh, and did I mention that we will probably only have two, maybe three, scanners to check these temperatures? So 2,000+ people will need to wait outside the school, in the heat, for their turned to be scanned. I can just imagine the chaos and frustration...

I'll let you know what happens tomorrow. :)

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