Saturday, November 12, 2011

flat 32

My lovely sister pointed out, that it might be helpful to see the rest of my flat, seeing as you only got to see one room. Well, we haven't had time to fix up every room yet, but here's what we've got so far. This is actually the same flat I first lived in when I came to Bahrain in 2007.

hall (sitting room) view from the doorway. Christine and I painted one wall dark brown; the rest we left white.
hall (opposite corner)
from the hallway
small hallway--from here you have the kitchen to the left, bedroom straight ahead, and Rey's music room to the right
very LARGE kitchen (too bad we don't cook!)
my oven for baking
kitchen table
our bedroom (from the doorway)
bedroom 2 (looking back towards the hallway)

And there you have it! Al Bait Phillips (The Phillips' House)

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