Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Earth Hour

On Saturday the world celebrated Earth Hour, a global initiative to raise awareness about the damage being done to the environment through human carelessness and the need to make positive changes. The goal of Earth Hour is for people to switch off all the electricity for one hour. This year is the second year Bahrain participated, but this was the first year that Bahrain officially made the list as one of the participating countries. The financial towers, the World Trade Center, and the Grand Mosque, among other things, all shut off their lights from 8:30-9:30. A local group called Thirst Quenchers was spearheading the event. Our youth group was among some of the participants. The event started at 7 with a live band. When the time came to shut off the lights, the group put on a program about environmental awareness using skits, songs, and dance. Our youth group was asked to help by moving huge screens back and forth across the stage. As director of traffic, I had the best job by far. :) But the kids did a great job, and the Thirst Quenchers were so thankful we were there. In the summers our youth group teams up with Thirst Quenchers to distribute water bottles in the labor camps, so we have a history with the group. It's really great to see young people getting involved in things like this.

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