Tuesday, March 2, 2010

oh that makes sense

I have been having a hard time at school lately. The students are just not getting the material. No matter how many times and ways I teach it, they are just not getting it. Two weeks ago I was called into the principal's office to discuss last quarter's report card grades. Needless to say, she was not very happy about the number of F's I gave, and she was additionally concerned about how many students were failing EVERY subject. Of course I was not unaware of the situation; in fact I had been feeling like quite the failure myself due to this lack of progress with my students. This week we had a meeting with all the grade 5 teachers. The principal is getting concerned about some of the students moving on to grade six next year, and she has finally decided to do something about it. The middle school has a remedial reading/English teacher who is able to come to the elementary school in the mornings to work with the fifth grade students that are really struggling with basic English. The principal compiled a list of those students she thought were eligible for the program and wanted our feedback. As she passed around the list, I was shocked. There were 14 students listed and 12 of them were mine! That means that out of the 14 weakest students in all of grade 5, one went to 5B, one went to 5D, and 12 came to 5A with me.

What kind of planning is that???

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